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Robert Burr Army

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Robert Burr - 5443 Views
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Assigned: 2nd Infrantry Division, 38th Regiment, Company F
Highest Rank: Master Sergeant
Location of Service: Korea
Gender: male
Current City: Delaware
Current State: Ohio
My War Stories
  1951 Enlisted over a girl and found that he was going directly to Korea very quickly. Replacement for the May massacre. Quickly made Sergeant First Class, 2nd Infantry Division, 38 Regiment. Was on heartbreak and bloody bridge and lost a lot of men. Got hit by a mortar and earned a purple heart. Spent 9 months on the front lines. Walked off hill 905 and knowing he was going to live. North Korea fighting was intense, would infiltrate through the lines and attack him from the back. 57 recourse rifle ran.

My War Awards
  • Korean Service Medal
  • Purple Heart Medal
My War Videos
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